Saturday, April 28, 2007

Congratulatoins Esther and Phuong!

Mr and Mrs Phuong *Smith,

You most likely will never see this but I'm posting it anyway. I'm posting it so that everyone who sees it will have the opportunity to pray for you as you begin your lives as one. May the Lord always bless your relationship and may you, together, bring up saints! You have my heartfelt 'best wishes' and even more heartfelt prayers! You are beautiful!

See you at the reception...

*Name changed for privacy... obviously.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Been Busy Again

Sorry for my lack of posting again lately. I'm sure most people understand the 'post what you can, when you can' situation and that's definitely me. My schedule has been so solid for the past couple of weeks that sitting down to type something out for a blog post just hasn't been possible. In fact, it's not really something that even passed through my mind. Between work and friends and rehearsals and book club and babysitting and Mass and confession and family and the occassional breather (TV), I've just been exhausted!

Anyway, please keep me in your prayers while I am away. This is a year of a lot of change for me! Not only is it a 'big birthday' year, I have plans to move out on my own and start back to school again. Because I pretty much stink at 'dealing' with change, I'll need all the spiritual support I can get! On the one hand, change is very exciting. It's fun to have new things in your life. But even with that I have a hard time 'coping' with it. It's all too new and too different. I'll get better eventually but for now.. just pray! Haha.

God bless you all richly! Be holy!

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Monday, April 23, 2007

"The Joy"

That joy everyone speaks of is captured for me in the brother with Mary... which is it for you? Lives of service and humility... God bless the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Entrance Countdown Has Begun!

No, not for me, silly! For this young lady. I hadn't swung by her blog in some time (it's a big blogsphere and I don't have all that much time to surf!) but this morning I decided to go there and to make her my morning reading. I'm so glad I did! She's just over one week away from her entrance.

Please keep her in your prayers as she prepares to take this next step! +May God reward your generosity.

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Friday, April 13, 2007

Called to Love

We can't make people love us. No matter what we do or how hard we try, they must love us on their own. Our duty, what we are called to do, is not to make others love us. We are called to love. We must love them even when they do not love us. And this is the best way. It is the best because it is not forced. It's not something we try to do. We simply love and everything else falls where it will. This is also where true peace is found. Peace and joy cannot be found in selfishness and stubbornness. True peace and true joy is found in the authentic act of love. We receive love from Him who is Love and as our cup overflows, we turn to love others. This.. this is how we are called to love. This is how I wish to love.

+Lord, help me to love like this. Help me to love like you!


Reflections are a funny thing.

Do you remember the first time you lied down at the edge of the lake or a pond, belly on the cold grass, feet waving in the air, and stared into the water at your reflection? As you peered over the edge of the land and gazed into the water, you studied your face: your eyes, your nose, your lips. You noticed something, perhaps, you hadn't noticed before. As you studied the reflection, you may or may not have liked what you saw but what you saw was (is) reality. And then something disturbed the water and the image you once saw was now distorted. It was no longer what it was when first you looked and likely not what you wanted it to be. Or perhaps it was a welcome relief...

I had a lot of time to think this Lent - to really explore the depths of my person and discover who I am and who I am not. The water for me was the Water of Life. It was He who came to me and asked me to look to Him to see myself. I did not want to look over the edge. I didn't want to know what I looked like. I was okay with only kinda knowing. I'd caught a glimpse here and there and had a general idea of who I was. I knew it would be hard to really study the Water and see myself so clearly and because I knew, I was quite apprehensive.

Slowly I approached. Slowly. Slowly... and there He waited, as He has waited for so long, until I finally reached the edge and stuck my head out over it.

It was certainly a season of much growth and with that growth came growing pains. But praise God! Those growing pains are exactly what I needed this year and we all know He knew it all along. He knew what splinters I needed to feel and which burdens needed to be my cross. Through feeling those splinters and bearing those crosses I learned to see myself not in a good light or a bad light, but in a pure light.

As the days and weeks passed and I struggled with how to struggle, I ran constantly to the Blessed Sacrament. "Here I am, Lord. I'm here for YOU. Yes, I ran here in frustration, in anger, in sorrow, but I ran here because the answer to all of my troubles is YOU. I need YOU. Help me to see your face..."

Holiness became flesh that I might have eternal life. He did it for me. For ME. He came down to the world and, despite the number of followers He attracted, he was always alone -- alone to suffer for me. He endured many trials here and suffered pains unimaginable to save me. To save you. To save us all.

"Lord," I would say, "grant me the humility to see me for what I am and what I am not. Help me to know and understand my failings and help me to know and understand that those failings crucified you."

Ask and you shall receive.

What could have become an incredibly depressing and hopeless time, by the grace of God, proved to be one of the most rewarding and uplifting experiences of my life. I saw clearly for the first time what I had needed to see for a very long time. And certainly it was not God wishing to withhold these understandings! It was me that refused to be given them. I was rewarded greatly, however, for finally having the courage to lay it all at His feet.

Studying Him, coming to know Him better, I learned to know myself better. I learned to see myself in what I am called to be and in what I live each day. How very different the two reflections felt at times! But I am at peace with my reflection only because I know that no matter how many times I create ripples in the water, the reality of what I see when the water is still is the same as the reality of what I see when it is being shaken. At my core I am still the child of God. At my core I am still an honest, loving, gentle person. Ripples will come and go. And as those ripples come and go, I am called to remain there and glean from the Water of Life what it is I am, who it is I am, and what and who it is I am called to be.

Forgive me. I know this makes little sense outside of my head. So much goes on up there. Most of the time I can't keep up. Now I'm much too tired to keep writing... perhaps there will be more later...

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Youth 2000

Youth 2000 is this weekend. It starts tomorrow evening and goes until Sunday (early afternoon). Please pray for the safety of all travelers and the openness of all hearts. It's going to be amazing, as always, but prayers are always appreciated! I'll be helping to chaperone a youth group on Saturday (mandatory attendance in preparation for Confirmation) so please pray that goes well, also. I hear they're a great group so I have no doubt it will be fine. Thanks!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Third time's a charm?

Every time I say I'm too busy to blog, I feel compelled to write. It is when I say nothing that I often do not write. So, having said in my last post that I am too busy to write, I knew it would only be a matter of time before I found myself sitting here plunking something out. I wasn't sure what but I knew it would be something.

I always have something to say, something to share. There is always something happening in my life that I am so thankful for that I could tell everyone about it. Never will you approach me and find me without SOMETHING to say. (Yes, I talk way too much.) However, when it comes to my blog, I'm never sure how to approach it or if I should say anything at all. Most of what I say here is personal but in a round-about sort of way.

I've already forgotten where I was going with this... Lord, have mercy. (Or more appropriately: Lord, grant me humility!)

Sunday, April 08, 2007

A Most Blessed Easter to All!

A most blessed Easter to each of you! * Jesus Christ is risen today! Alleluia, alleluia! * We're back to the normal template now and I must say I'm relieved. All the gloom was rough. I'm so happy that today we celebrate the resurrection!

A big conratulations and 'welcome home' goes out to all of my friends and aquaintances who were brought into the Church tonight. May the Lord bless you and keep you all the days of your life! (Doesn't it feel great?)

My Triduum, though rough at times, has been most blessed. I will be busy most of this week and will be on retreat all next weekend so maybe look for something the following week. I'm beginning a new project so much of my time will be spent praying and working those things out (with the right people) -- and that is of course after my day job, errands, and other obligations.

See you all soon!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Jesus, Remember Me

+ Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom! +

This template is up for all of Holy Week. I encourage everyone to go to confession this week and to attend Mass, especially on Holy Thursday and Good Friday. May the commemoration of the passion of our Lord touch you in a special way this year.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Remembering Papa: 2nd Anniversary of the Death of JPII

On the second anniversary of the death of servant of God, Pope John Paul the Great...

...a moving video tribute by Dom Bettinelli. Thanks, Dom.


Sunday, April 01, 2007

Adore Christ

Everyone should go to adoration more often, me included. It does wonders for the soul...