Friday, September 28, 2007

For the repose of his soul...

Please pray for my great uncle, Richard, who is in his last hours of this life. The family has been called and all are going to his bedside to say their "goodbyes" .. at least for now. I pray we meet again in heaven. Please also pray for the peace of my family, especially his daugther, Chelsea. (Please also remember my grandmother and all of Richard's other siblings.)

+May the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

On My Own

I've been "on my own" for about two weeks now, even though I still visit my parents' home quite often (for things I've left behind, to drop off things I've found in my car, and just to have people around..) and already things are happening to me that I wasn't expecting -- or perhaps I was hoping wouldn't happen. There have been no huge revelations or changes in my life - yet. Rather, I have accepted a thought or two that I am hoping, with the right "follow-through" will help me to be a happer, more successful person.

Here's the line of thought:
I don't really like myself very much. I don't enjoy me or being me or being with me. This poses a problem. I can't expect anyone else to like me, enjoy me, enjoy being with me until I can do those things. I think this might be the reason I surround myself with people who are happy and confident. It is as though I'm waiting for those things to rub off on me. Unfortunately for me, it doesn't work that way.

I think part of the reason I was so anxious about living alone is because I secretly knew that I'd have to learn to be with me... alone with me. I have to learn to enjoy myself and appreciate the good qualities I possess, few though they may be, before I can expect to establish and foster good, solid, healthy relationships (of all kinds). I have to be happy to be with me - just me - before I can think about adding other people to the mix.

That's it for now, really. Two weeks under my belt and my whole life ahead of me...

If only...

I have always wanted to play the piano... since I was a little girl. One day I will learn. Btw, this quiz is scarily accurate...

You Should Play the Piano

You are a true music aficionado who loves many musical style and eras.

You find music to be an escape. And you'd like to be relaxed and comfortable when you're making it.

You're very innovative, and you have a unique way of knowing what may sound beautiful.

There's a strong possibility that you could compose some of your own work songs quite easily.

While you have a lot of creative energy, you are also serious and conscientious.

Your musical talent needs time, practice, and lots of privacy to flourish.

Your dominant personality characteristic: your painstaking attention to detail

Your secondary personality characteristic: your natural tendency to be whimsical

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Catholic Carnival 131: Better Late than Never?

Some probably thought this day would never come. I might have been one of them – your guess is as good as mine. But here it is in all it’s ‘glory’…

Kicking off the carnival is Tracee over at So Sioux Me with “What Would Jesus Do?”, a post about her take on American healthcare. The post was hearty but the comments took this post to new heights. Check it out.

Next up is Phil who writes at Phil for Humanity. Phil writes, “Dear God, Where have you been lately, and what have you been doing? “ I’m still not sure what to make of this letter to God. I suppose it is what it is. Go see for yourself…

John of Voice in the Wilderness writes in this week with Criticisms and Commendations on the Law of Attraction. A beautifully written, thought-provoking piece, you will not be disappointed. Here is John’s opening statement to wet your palate: “As its influence grew stronger, many criticisms and counter-criticisms have been written in its regard. Many people were uplifted and empowered, while many also warned of its ill effects and subliminal impact. Which of these is true? What should we take heed of in our lives?”

In the world today, but especially in America, we are surrounded by waste and excessive everything. This week ChristianPF of Money and the Bible addresses this issue and asks, “Was Jesus a tightwad?”

Can you imagine having seventeen children? This family can, as Christine of The World… IMHO shares the news with us of their 17th!

Up next is Sarah of just another day of Catholic pondering with her review of Prayerfully Expecting, by Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle. In this review, Sarah shares what a gift a book can be, just by virtue of its being written. Whether you're expecting a child yourself or looking for a gift for someone you know, this review will give you insight into what the book has to offer. What are you waiting for? Get over there!

This one is truly affected by the tardiness of this post and for that I am truly sorry. Hopefully we can all still enjoy the reflection provided over at the HMS blog. A reflection on the Mass readings for Sunday, August 5th, the post focuses on what the readings tell us about why we should focus on God rather than on the things of this world.

Domini of We Belong to the Lord brings us ”Living in the Culture of Death”, a post on a classroom discussion of medical ethics that revealed how deep the culture of death really runs.

Tom O'Toole presents Gemini Health Center/Aurora Abortion Mill: Protest Early and Often! posted at Fighting Irish Thomas. The fight is truly ours – heed the call!

Barb, SFO of SFO Mom calls our attention to a New Catholic Radio Resource. “Listen up! There's a wonderful, orthodox Catholic Internet radio resource to discover,” she says.

“I've been having on-going 'issues' with being silent and listening for God. I always want to make noise. I compared my experience of "forced silence" in the rests while in orchestra to the struggles with trying to be silent to hear God (usually while praying the rosary).” Read more at Transitus Tiber in the post titled, Silence is Golden.

I don’t like to show bias but if you’re going to read one thing, read this! Jean over at Catholic Fire brings us a summary of Fr. Benedict Groeschel's talk on Pressures on the Christian Family and How to Respond to Them at the Midwest Catholic Conference Held in Wichita, KS.

And last, but certainly not least, we have a short but sweet submission from Ebeth, A Catholic Mom Climbing the Pillars, with A Word or two about Gum Chewing during Mass. (A perfect wrap-up for this week’s carnival, if I do say so myself!)

Thank you for joining me for this Catholic carnival and I do hope to see y’all around these parts again real soon! God bless.