My Struggle with the Rosary
My last post was about my struggle with the rosary and there was a great response in both written and verbal comments and emails with tips and suggestions about how to pray the rosary (or other prayers to pray instead). I can't tell you how blessed I felt to know of the great number of people who cared to help me in this spiritual journey. I kindly thank each of you who offered your advice or lent your support. Unfortunately (I suppose it's really bittersweet), I feel in the depths of my heart that I am supposed to be praying the rosary -- no matter how difficult or burdensome it can be for me.
I have learned a lot and grown a lot in the last few weeks. I have not yet said an entire rosary without great difficulty but what good ever came of easy tasks? I know my Lord in a new intimate way because of this. My struggle has helped me to trust more, surrender more. I can't count on my fingers and toes the number of times I have had to turn to the Lord to help me finish my prayer. But in doing so, I have learned of the great love our Lord has for me and for my efforts, however pitiful.
Perhaps I will share more about this journey later... for now, this is all. Thanks again to all who have offered their words of support, advice, and encouragement. Thanks also to those who have prayed for or with me. May the Lord bless your kindness and generosity.
I have learned a lot and grown a lot in the last few weeks. I have not yet said an entire rosary without great difficulty but what good ever came of easy tasks? I know my Lord in a new intimate way because of this. My struggle has helped me to trust more, surrender more. I can't count on my fingers and toes the number of times I have had to turn to the Lord to help me finish my prayer. But in doing so, I have learned of the great love our Lord has for me and for my efforts, however pitiful.
Perhaps I will share more about this journey later... for now, this is all. Thanks again to all who have offered their words of support, advice, and encouragement. Thanks also to those who have prayed for or with me. May the Lord bless your kindness and generosity.