Friday, September 01, 2006

Sometimes getting up is a hard thing to do...

But this morning I was so glad that I did! I forgot that it was first friday! That means adoration! It's the only time we have adoration in our church and I was thrilled. I also saw some of the children from the school there for Mass and a few minutes of adoration. (I think they were the 7th and 8th graders.) It was an awesome opportunity to pray for some new people. I knew that half of them didn't REALLY understand what was going on, and I'm sure they didn't care to. (Perhaps a glass half empty assumption? Oh well...) Many of them turned around and stared when the others in the church began the rosary. I am positive that they are all great kids and I was so happy to pray for all of them and their futures. There is something just WONDERFUL about praying for young people, even those who aren't much younger than myself! I thought of them especially when we were praying the prayer for vocations. I bet one day at least one of them will hear and answer.

Praised be Jesus Christ!


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