Tuesday, August 07, 2007

The Carnival is Coming... but for now...

(You'll have to excuse the lack of carnival. I haven't had time to tend to it as fully as I'd like. It will be up sometime this evening! For now... enjoy THIS:)

August 3, 2007

CFR Sisters - Investiture 2007

“Why’s that lady gotta rope ‘round her dress, Momma?”

“That’s for the faith, darlin’.”

That’s as succinct and accurate an explanation of the Holy Habit as I’ve heard! It was an exchange between a little girl and her mother at an Oklahoma gas station we happened by on our recent Mission West.

The Postulants were counting down the days to their investiture at the time, and now, as of yesterday, (Feast of Our Lady Queen of the Angels) they are among the ranks of those who wear “a rope around their dress” - and veils on their shorn heads too.

And yes, it is “for the faith.”

For the faith that God is the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth.

For the faith that Jesus Christ, is His only Son, our Lord. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He suffered under PontiusPilate, He was crucified, died and was buried.
He descended to the dead. On the third day He rose again.

For the faith that He has ascended into heaven,
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.

He will come again to judge the living and the dead.

For the faith in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.

Yes, our four beautiful new Sisters believe, not just in an idea, but in a Person, Jesus Christ. And their faith has grown into a love, and this love has made a response. Please pray for them, that their belief will deepen, that their love will grow and that their “yes” will ever be their response to God’s loving voice.

Sr. Clare Matthiass, CFR
(for more details on the meaning of the habit, click here)

-- To see the pictures that were included with this article (and they are pictures I KNOW you want to see), click here. --

Sunday, August 05, 2007


Catholic Carnival is on it's way (once more) to ...and if not..., to be published sometime Tuesday. I expect it will be good -- I've already received a good handful of submissions. If you haven't submitted your entry yet, send it on over! My email is in the sidebar for your convenience.

God bless and happy blogging! Stop back by on Tuesday for a scoop of Catholic goodness... (or something like that...)

Friday, August 03, 2007

First Friday Fast -- Thoughts from Happy Catholic and beyond

I liked this post from Julie D today and wanted to pass it along: Take a look. This fast has made such a huge impact in my life. Going into it I wanted to make an impact elsewhere. I should have known God would use this to show me so many things and help me to grow closer to Himself. In Him, with Him, through Him... always.

Another Postcard... (May be inappropriate for some viewers.)

I ran across another sad postcard today concerning aborted babies. My heart feels pierced every time I read words like these from women who will likely never feel safe enough to share their stories .. and grieve. Please, please pray for mothers and children alike! It is a sad world in which we live...

The Awkward Song

Everyone knows Franciscan students are a species all their own... and this song demonstrates one of those awkward traits all too well..

Thursday, August 02, 2007

First Friday Fast for an End to Abortion and Anne Faustina

Tomorrow, for those of you who are participating (in any way) in the movement by Dallas area bloggers, is first friday! Just a friendly reminder...

For whatever reason, when I was thinking briefly about the fact that tomorrow is indeed first friday, I thought instantly of Anne Faustina. Anne is a child of two beloved friends, Matt and Angela (creators of Remnant), and was lost in a miscarriage. She was loved very much and it was beyond sad to learn of her passing. She taught Matt and Angela many things with her passing, even more evident today than it was then. During the grieving and healing process, Angela wrote a song about and for her precious child. She and Matt took it to the recording studio and I've not met a single person who was not touched by the beauty of the piece. It is appropriately titled "Anne Faustina" and goes like this:

A gentle breeze standing still
A single flower on a hill
A star so bright in the sky
It makes me sit and ask why

You were so delicate and small
A tiny grain of sand in the hand of God
We knew that you were there
When we were told that you were gone

A gentle breeze standing still
A single flower on a hill
A star bright in the sky
It makes sit and ask why
You were so delicate and small
A tiny grain of sand
We knew that you were there
When we were told that you were gone

Anne Faustina
Anne Faustina
Anne Faustina
Anne Faustina

A life created by our love
Is now with Jesus high above
Adoring, praising, honoring
Our loving Lord, our Mighty King
Our little saint in perfect form
Reminded us of God's promise
He would remain faithful to us
If we in turn were faithful too
His divine mercy endures

Anne Faustina
Anne Faustina
Anne Faustina
Anne Faustina

A gentle breeze standing still
A single flower on a hill
A star so bright in the sky
It makes me sit and ask why
You were so delicate and small
A tiny grain of sand
We knew that you were there
When we were told that you were gone

Anne Faustina
Anne Faustina
Anne Faustina
Anne Faustina

The music that accompanies these lyrics is just gorgeous and, although it is always a treat to hear Matt and Angela sing together, it is especially delightful to hear them sing this piece together. They have some great harmonies that really emphasize certain lyrics. One detail I didn't not include above is when they are singing different lines at the same time. Gorgeous. Anyway, this song, I have a feeling, will be playing a lot tomorrow. I think of Anne Faustina often and how fitting it would be to keep her close in prayer tomorrow as I pray for those souls she is with who did not have someone to fight for their life. I hope you join in with me and the others to fight for this. It will not be won through violence but through the peaceful acts of prayer and penance.