Saturday, March 11, 2006

Hate to Disappoint

I hate to disappoint. My weekends seem to be jam-packed these days with soccer games and errands and family... and who could forget shopping? I do however have a few things I have been meaning to post for a few days. Here are a few previews:

"Taco Bell and God" -- I would dare say not many people get messages from God via Taco Bell Mild Sauce packets... but I did and I'm ready to share!

"Echauristic Adoration: What's the big deal?" -- My devotion to Jesus in the most Holy Eucharist and how it has affected every part of my being.

"Hail Mary, full of grace" -- Reflections on the prayer.

"Tattoos and the Catholic Church" -- Answers about tattoos from different people and my own thoughts and opinions along with some sketches I have done in the past.

Well that's just a few but as you can see I have not quite had the time to post them and I don't see having that time in the near future. I will do my best but in the mean time check out some of the blogs and links on my sidebar. Each of them is worth your while!


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