Sunday, November 12, 2006

Countdown to New York

Needless to say: I'm busy!

I stayed up way too late last night trying to finish sewing a skirt for my trip and missed my solo at Mass this morning! *sigh* I'm not so disappointed that I didn't get to sing as I am disappointed that I let my director and other choir members down. When I committed to that, they expected me to be there. And I wasn't. It is totally my fault. I should have made sure my alarm wasn't set on a phone that would die or not ring loud enough to wake me. But alas, I do not have time to fret. I pray they forgive me. (And I'm sure they will -- they're great like that.)

I sewed my first real piece of clothing yesterday. As I began the project I realized that a phrase commonly used for men, was applicable to me.

Jack of all trades, master of none.

The project was... interesting. In making my floor length skirt out of semi-stretchy, tan material, I had four pins, a highlighter, three pairs of defective scissors and one sewing machine with white thread. Yes... it was interesting. What was labeled an hour project turned into about six or seven with breaks for confession and babysitting. And the end result? A skirt that is about five or six inches too large in the waist. Paranoia: Don't let it get YOU.


Anyway, this will probably be it for me for posting before my trip unless I have free time at work.

4 days and counting...

+ St. Maria Goretti, pure and humble, pray for us! Sts. Francis and Clare, generous and kind, pray for us! St. Thomas Aquinas, the dumb ox, pray for us! All you saints and angels, pray for us!



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