Thursday, August 10, 2006

Saint Francis de Sales - on serving God joyfully (in regards to vocations)

"Saul was commanded to spoil and ruin all he found in Amalek. He destroyed all, except what was precious; this he reserved, and offered in sacrifice. But God declared that He would have no sacrifice against obedience. God commands me to help souls, yet I want to rest in contemplation. The contemplative life is good, but not in opposition to obedience. We are not to choose at our own will. We must wish what God wishes; and if God wishes me to serve Him in one thing, I ought not wish to serve Him in another. God wishes Saul to serve him as king and as captain, and Saul wishes to serve Him as priest. There is no doubt that the latter is more excellent than the former; yet God does not care about that: He wants to be obeyed.


We must love what God loves. Now, He loves our vocation; so let us also love it, and not occupy ourselves with thinking on that of others. Let us do our duty; each one's cross is not too much for him.

... do diligently the service of your vocation, and often recollect yourself, and put yourself in spirit at the feet of our Lord, and say, "My Lord, whether I run or stay, I am all Yours and You mine: You are my first spouse; and whatever I do is for love of You, both this and that"....


When any contradiction comes upon you, thoroughly resign yourself unto our Lord, and console yourself, knowing that His favors are only for the good or for those who put themselves in the way of becoming so."

-- Thy Will Be Done! by Saint Francis de Sales, "Do the will of God joyfully"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you, thank you so much for writing this. This is something I have struggled with for the last 10 years. I had been discerning becoming a sister.

I finally found an community that was open to older vocations, so thankfully I went. I thought "Hey, I'll love them, they'll love me, I'll be in. No problem." HA ! Huge problem.

During my Adoration time God asked me to consider getting remarried. You should have been there my response was hysterical. I said, "You mean like to a MAN?"

Well here I am engaged to be married in December to the most wonderful man, he is most definitely my best friend.

But still there is a residual part of me "that is looking at the religious life" upset that I will never be there. I lack trust in God right now. I struggle with reading posts on Phatmass and hurting when people enter and I am "out here still." I guess I see the "sense or the mission more clearly of religious life than I do marriage." I have some studying to do.

You are so right on with what you have written it is spooky. Bless you for doing it.

Please pray for me.

8/11/2006 10:18:00 AM  
Blogger Laura H. said...

You have my prayers.

May the Lord bless you abundantly for doing His will!

8/11/2006 11:36:00 AM  

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