Sunday, December 03, 2006

Confirmation Retreat

Thank you to each of you who prayed for the young people on retreat this weekend at Marian Manor! The retreat, I think, went well. It's so amazing to see a group of 30 young teens walk through the door to leave so much different than they walked in. Though they didn't physically change, I could feel the presence of the Holy Spirit. At the end of the retreat we had a question and answer session (anonymous questions written on notecards prior to the session) and I was blown away by the depth of thought to the questions. They had big questions! They had all written them down so fast we just assumed they were something quick and easy so that they could go. (They had to stay in the chapel until they came up with one to ask.) But they were great questions and Matt gave them great answers. You could tell the Holy Spirit had really been working all weekend. How beautiful they all were!

I was privileged to be able to drive some of the girls around (to and from Mass/Confession/Adoration and dinner) and got to know them a little better. They were all great girls. I could tell they were on a good path and I was pleased to serve them. I do hope they hold on to those things which they experienced this weekend.

Please pray for them as they are one week from Confirmation. I ask the Lord to keep their minds and hearts open and ready to receive the peace of the Holy Spirit!

I have some other things to tend to, so this is all I have for now. May the Lord bless each of you abundantly.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm so glad. And how did YOUR talk go?!

12/03/2006 11:21:00 PM  
Blogger Laura H. said...

Well, it wasn't what I wanted it to be but God can work with anything. If something was meant to come from it, I know it has or it will.

12/04/2006 05:39:00 PM  

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