Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Five People in Five Categories Meme

Tagged by Happy Catholic

"If you could meet and have a deep conversation with any five people on earth, living or dead, from any time period, who would they be?" (Explaining why is optional.)

Name five people from each of the following categories:
Saints, Those in the Process of Being Canonized, Heroes from your native country, Authors/Writers, celebrities.

Five Saints:

1. St. Maria Goretti
2. St. Thomas Aquinas
3. Sts. Francis and Clare (did I just cheat?)
4. St. Maria Faustina
5. St. Lawrence
--This one was hard! There are so many with whom I'd like to speak!--

Those in the Process of Being Canonized:

1. Pope John Paul II
2. Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
3. Blessed Mother Teresa
4. Blessed Junípero Serra
5. Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati

Five Heroes from your native country:

1. Stephen F. Austin
2. Davey Crockett
3. William B. Travis
4. Sam Houston
5. James Bowie

Five Authors/Writers:

1. St. Bonaventure (haha! I got one more in there!)
2. St. Teresa of Avila (haha! YES! another one!)
3. St. John of the Cross (woohoo! I'm on a role!)
4. Jane Austen
5. C.S. Lewis

Five Celebrities:

1. Rachel Ray
2. Jack Nicholson
3. Helen Hunt
4. Jennifer Aniston (yes, really)
5. Peter Billingsley

Tag Five People:

1. Cynthia at Mormon 2 Catholic
2. Sarah at just another day of Catholic pondering
3. Lee at Living the Surrendered Life
4. Daughter of St. John at Seeing through a glass darkly...
5. Nick at phatcatholic apologetics

((I couldn't figure out who to tag! Everyone had played already! Oh well...))



Blogger Sarah Reinhard said...

Oh hey! Just saw this - sorry! And I haven't been tagged yet, so I guess I'd better work on this... :)

8/26/2006 08:36:00 PM  

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